[rescue] Sun Netra T1125

Richard ejb at trick-1.net
Mon Oct 28 17:02:57 CDT 2019

Answering my own question...:-)

Yes will work with 9 and possibly 10 with some work arounds.

Documentation indicates can install multiple cards in the same machine...I
have 3 so letbs see how that goes :-) will have to watch that 25W per card
power requirement.....



Sent from my iPhone

> On 29 Oct 2019, at 08:46, Richard <ejb at trick-1.net> wrote:
> o;?Thanks Mike
> So does anyone know if the SunPCi software work with 9 or 10.
> Richard
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 29 Oct 2019, at 08:26, Mike Spooner <mikes at aalin.co.uk> wrote:
>> o;?9 or 10 would probably be most suited. 2.6 will run on it, but requires
one of
>> two rather special installation methods due to the 2.6 install media not
>> recognising/handling the 440MHz US-II CPUs.
>> -- Mike
>> On Mon, Oct 28, 2019 at 9:12 PM +0000, "Richard" <ejb at trick-1.net> wrote:
>> Thanks Dennis
>> I have a couple of SunPCi cards so will certainly give at least one a
>> home.....that also answers the OS question :-/
>> So whatbs the most appropriate Solaris version? 2.4,2.6, 8 or some other?
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>> On 29 Oct 2019, at 08:04, Dennis Grevenstein
>>> wrote:
>>> o;?Hi,
>>> Richard wrote:
>>>> So just picked up a Netra T1125 With Dual 440MHz UltraSPARC II, 1GB RAM
>> and
>>> 2x
>>>> 18GB SCSI drives to add to the collection.
>>>> So in the theme of b
>>>> pimp my rideb
>>>> what extra would you load it up with?
>>>> Extra 1gig of memory....Any cool PCI cards? What OS would you run? Would
>>> you
>>>> look to Solaris or head towards NetBSD....?
>>>> Looking for thoughts and inspiration
>>> This is basically an Ultra 60 board in a telco rackmount case.
>>> Useful PCI cards are probably some Gigabit ethernet cards and
>>> possibly a SunPCi card. The SunPCi is like a plug-in PC on a
>>> PCI card.
>>> I personally like Solaris and I must say that NetBSD seems to
>>> have lost some quality on many of the less popular systems.
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