[rescue] SCSI Question

Richard ejb at trick-1.net
Mon Sep 9 20:17:58 CDT 2019

Hi William

I have certainly run SCA drives on a 50pin SCSI before with adapters and it
has (as far as I know) worked just fine.

I have however found that these days a lot of my SCSI drives are dead or about
to die. I made the jump a few years back to SCSI2SD drives and have never
looked back. I have them mainly in Sun and 68k Mac machines.

I also find I waste less time trying to coax an old drive to work or worse
having spent days getting a system nicely installed, patched, more modern
tools installed, sshd, X11 etc installed only for the drive to then die....

So yes you can try but in the end I think itbs money well spent. If you are
right up against it for cash then put the SCSI2SD in an external enclosure and
swap between systems and just have multiple, well labeled SD cards for the
different machines...

My 0.0000000000000001 bitcoins worth ;-)



Sent from my iPhone

> On 9 Sep 2019, at 21:03, William Barnett-Lewis <wlewisiii at gmail.com> wrote:
> I am bidding on a DEC Alphastation 200 4/233 to run Tru64 & OpenGenera on.
> It's got 50 pin SCSI and no drive is included. I don't have any 50 drives
> anymore but I do have a spare Sun 146gb 80 pin SCA Ultra320 drive. If i
> stick an adapter on it,  will it run, if slower than in the  Sun? I have
> considered getting a SCSI2SD for it but would rather spend my limited toy
> budget for more RAM for the old beast.
> Thanks!
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