[rescue] Wanted: 72 pin simms

Ross Lonstein rlonstein+sunhelp at pobox.com
Sat Sep 14 08:52:21 CDT 2019

On Fri, Sep 13, 2019 at 07:31:51PM -0500, William A. Barnett-Lewis wrote:
> For the DEC Alpha I'm putting together, I can buy ram easily and
> reasonably cheaply at memoryx. That said, I thought I'd see if
> anyone has any of the right simms gathering dust.
> Looking for up to 6 72 pin FPM Standard Parity 60 or 70ns 64mb
> simms. 128s will probably work but weren't out then, be entertaining
> to try sometime.

We're both in luck (and anyone else on the list looking for stuff).
I'm cleaning out old parts. Here's what I've found in 72 pin:

2x IBM 11D2320BC-70 2Mb
2x Kingston KTM0130-1160-008 4Mb
2x TI TM248NBK36R-70 4Mb
2x Micron MT4D232M-6 EDO 4Mb
2x Generic (SEC chips, Assy Canada) EDO 8Mb
1x Samsung (Compaq) KMM5361000AG-8 4Mb
1x Compaq 129041-001 8Mb
1x Mitsubishi MH1M36ASDJ-7 4Mb?
1x Samsung KMM532100BV-7
1x Century MDK321V-8
1x [Unknown] 1-051396-15996+ (8xKM44C4100AK chips) 70ns

Free but you pay USPS shipping from 12491.

I'm looking for one (1) each of known working 3.5" and 5.25" IDE
floppy drives if you'd rather swap.

- Ross

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