[rescue] Network switch reco?

JP Hindin jplist2008 at kiwigeek.com
Tue Sep 24 12:51:11 CDT 2019

On Tue, 24 Sep 2019, Lionel Peterson wrote:

> Yikes! I assiduously avoid switches with wall wart/in-line power adapters if
> at all possible.

I am on the fence here - I understand the logic, but when the power supply 
fails on this sort of switch... you buy another power supply. Or, if you 
like, you can make your own more industrial power supply with appropriate 
cable ends.

The same cannot be said for units where the supply is internal.

I will raise my hand, however, and say that this is a point of view and is 
purely my own anecdotal evidence to support. As you can imagine, we do not 
use such a theory with the equipment we use for production gear :)

As for the LIFETIME WARRANTY on the ProCurves, and again with the 
admission that this is only my experience... Sure, it's a lifetime 
warranty. But if you have to replace it every 2-3 years, it's just not 
worth the hassle. But thats me.

  - JP

>> On Sep 24, 2019, at 11:50, JP Hindin <jplist2008 at kiwigeek.com> wrote:
>> I second this - I have two Netgear GS116s Gig switches both of which are
> still in active service after 14 years of service. The power packs on both
> have died _repeatedly_ - I just keep a supply of 12v DC supplies on hand from
> Amazon - but the units themselves have been bombproof.
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