[rescue] Solaris 2.6 today

Mike Spooner mikes at aalin.co.uk
Sun Sep 29 17:11:12 CDT 2019


About 10 years ago, I went through the same rediscovery process. sunfreeware at that time still had some free stuff, but the S2.6 and S2.5.1 stuff had all been pulled "behind the door". ibiblio.org was useful for some basic packages, but the majority of S2.6 packages were all very-old versions only.

I'm still running S2.6 on my occasional-use SPARCstation-10, but that has become *very* occasional :-(

I still have my self-built 'key getting-going' packages around, in case a reinstall is needed.

The SS1000E is well-suited to S2.6, S7 and S8 (the latter of which introduced IPv6 to Solaris). IMHO, you'll find that S2.6 will be fastest on the SS1000E, unless you have it maxed-out with RAM and multiple SBus RAID controllers.

PS: if you need the latest SPARC Solaris 2.6 Recommended Patch Cluster (dated 2005), let me know.

-- Mike

On Sun, Sep 29, 2019 at 9:29 PM +0100, "Steve Hatle" <shatle at nfldinet.com> wrote:


I brought home a nice 8-way Sparcserver 1000e from VMFMW a couple of 
weeks ago.

So far all the hardware checks out, and I'm ready to do my full-on 
Solaris install and all the updates and add-ons I'd like.

As far as that goes, what's the best source to find packages built for 
Solaris 2.6 or maybe 7 these days? It's been a long time since I've been 
down this road, and I see sunfreeware is no longer free, etc. Blastwave 
doesn't appear to be live. I found an archive of stuff at ibiblio.org.

Are there good sources for this stuff these days?

I also remember there being sets of scripts like YASSP for hardening, etc.

I know I could go and roll all these things by hand (and that might be 
good for me), but I'm really just looking to modernize and add some 
things that will make the box useful on my home network, not set up a 
'net-facing bastion host.

Any advice or pointers appreciated,

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