[rescue] Intel Paragon - state side - seen on Craigs List

John Floren john at jfloren.net
Thu Feb 13 09:35:45 CST 2020

I had attempted to reply to this yesterday, but got a "550 5.7.1 content 
rejected" message from the mail server. I couldn't see a problem with 
the raw message that had been sent, so I'll try again:

As a fellow ex-Sandian I fear that the modern Sandia would be pretty
reticent to hand over any software that isn't open-sourced, but I
could ask a friend in the HPC org if he's got any leads. UNM might be
a better start; I also have some contacts at the CS department, so if
a list member buys this thing and needs help with an OS, I'll try my

Barry, I don't know when you left SNL, but you may be happy to know
that there's a little computing history exhibit in... I believe the
building number was 880? They have some pieces of ASCI-Red and a
selection of other interesting artifacts. When I took another job a
couple years ago, I had been lobbying to get them to preserve the
3-rack PDP-11 system I found at reapplication, but I'm not sure if
that ever happened.


On 2/12/2020 4:03 PM, Barry Keeney wrote:
>  B B B  Wow, that brings back memories, I worked on a later generation of 
> Intel system, The ASCI-Red system for two years when I worked at Sandia.
>  B B B  Cool machine, You might be able to get the OS for either Sandia or
> UNM, they worked together on the software...
> On Thu, 13 Feb 2020, Richard wrote:
>> Hey Folks
>> So this one isnbt mine but I was cruising CL and saw the
>> followingb&.thought I would flag just in case anyone here is
>> interested/collects these machines. No disk or OS by the looks of 
>> things so
>> that makes getting it working rather a challenge. That is unless you 
>> already
>> happen to have media someplace in your collectionb&..
>> https://seattle.craigslist.org/sno/sys/d/snohomish-intel-paragon-xp-supercomp 
>> uter/7070551673.html
>> <https://seattle.craigslist.org/sno/sys/d/snohomish-intel-paragon-xp-supercom 
>> puter/7070551673.html>
>> Owner wants $ for it toob&..
>> Cheers
>> Richard

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