[rescue] rescue Looking for Sun-2/50 skins

Earl Baugh earl at baugh.org
Mon Feb 17 01:19:20 CST 2020

From: Josh Dersch <derschjo at gmail.com>
> Subject: [rescue] Looking for Sun-2/50 skins
> Hey all --
> I'm not *really* expecting that someone has one of these lying around, but
> just in case -- anyone have the plastic "skin" for a Sun-2/50 pizzabox?  I
> got a 2/50 at VCF West last year and it's complete (and working) except for
> the skin.  It'd be nice to pretty it up a bit...
> Thanks,
> Josh

Yes, I'm behind... and aside from the obligatory "you suck" :-)
How the heck did you find a 2/50?!  I've heard of these beasts, but this is
only the second mention I've heard of someone actually possessing one....

Pictures please?


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