[rescue] Living computer museum & labs

John Francini francini at mac.com
Thu Jul 2 11:19:43 CDT 2020

Hopefully this will be only temporary. A year ago, there was something driving
me to get my butt out to Seattle to see the museum (I'm in New Hampshire). So
I took a 'busman's holiday' and went out there for a week.

It was absolutely wonderful to be around all that old DEC iron - and it was
all RUNNING too!

A vaccine can't come soon enough...


John Francini <francini at mac.com>
bI have come to the conclusion that one useless man is called a disgrace;
that two are called a law firm; and that three or more become a Congress.
And by God I have had *this Congress!b b John Adams

> On 2 Jul 2020, at 4:33 , Richard <ejb at trick-1.net> wrote:
> Sad news
> https://livingcomputers.org/
> Closes....
> Sent from my iPhone
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