[rescue] Dell Laptop, FreeBSD & Xorg

William Barnett-Lewis wlewisiii at gmail.com
Mon Mar 2 18:54:43 CST 2020

So I got my old Dell laptop back from my son. It's a Celeron 2 core
with 8 gb ram. No speed demon but not horrible either.

I installed 12.1 and then did pkg install the usual suspects for me:
xorg, xfce, chromium, libre office, gimp, emacs, maxima, etc.

Set up rc.conf - dbus = yes, hald=yes, moused=yes Turned on XDM in
ttys. Boots fine. XDM pops up. Input login data and boom. Totally
nothing responds. Black background. Pointer won't move. Plug in USB
mouse- nothing there either.

Got me scratching my head. Any ideas?

Live like you will never die, love like you've never been hurt, dance
like no-one is watching.
                Alex White

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