[rescue] Free computers in northwest Washington state
David Griffith
dave at 661.org
Thu Mar 12 06:25:24 CDT 2020
On March 12, 2020 2:37:19 AM PDT, Mike Spooner <mikes at aalin.co.uk> wrote:
>Hmmm, any connection to https://www.willowtech.com ?? (as emblazoned on
>the Ultra-5 in that collection)
>- Mike
>12 Mar 2020 01:10:59 David Griffith <dave at 661.org>:
>> Forwarded with the blessing of Robert J Robbins:
>> In Bellingham Washington is a bunch of Sun, SGI, DG, HP, and IBM
>> among others available for anyone who wants to come and pick them up.
>> David Griffith
>> dave at 661.org
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> Date: Wed, 11 Mar 2020 14:15:11 -0700
>> From: Robert J Robbins <rjr8222 at gmail.com>
>> Reply-To: Bellingham Linux Users Group Mailing List
><blug-list at lists.blug.org>
>> To: blug-list at lists.blug.org
>> Subject: [Blug-list] Free computers
>> Last year when I moved to Bellingham and bought a house, I also
>bought a
>> separate building out of which the previous owner had been running a
>> software company, specializing in tools for small businesses.
>> When he moved out he left behind a lot of old computers on which he
>had been
>> maintaining ports of his software.
>> I do not have a use for these old computers and would be happy to
>give them
>> away to anyone who wants them.
>> The disks have all been pulled and/or wiped. but otherwise as far as
>I know
>> these were all working before he moved out.
>> I have Suns, Silicon Graphics, Cobalts, Compaq Proliants, Data
>> Aviions, HP L class, IBM pSeries ...B
>> All ready to be given away.
>> The Compaq ProLiants are still racked, the rest are on counters or on
>> floor, ready to be carried away. The HPs and the IBMs are heavy, not
>> something that you just reach down and pick up with ease. Un-racking
>> ProLiants would be best done by two people.
>> I am located just off Hannegan, north of Smith Road.
>> Send me an email, give me a call or text (206 300 3443) if you are
>> interested.
>> A picture of some, not all, of the computers available can be seen at
>> http://www.rj-robbins.com/computers.jpg
>> _______________________________________________
>> rescue list - http://www.sunhelp.org/mailman/listinfo/rescue
>rescue list - http://www.sunhelp.org/mailman/listinfo/rescue
Yes. Those are Willowtech's old machines. The owner has moved to the UK
(Isle of Man) and left them behind.
David Griffith
dave at 661.org
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