[rescue] Sun documentation mirroring

Alexander Jacocks jjacocks at gmail.com
Tue May 19 12:33:37 CDT 2020

Well, a good starting point would be to dump them to the Internet Archive.
Therebs also (of course) Bitsavers, but you should ask Al Kossow about

- Alex

On Tue, May 19, 2020 at 12:11 Richard <legalize at xmission.com> wrote:

> In article <7e21ea2f-cea6-91a9-8cc3-8e9cf7264598 at linux.ee>,
>     Meelis Roos <mroos at linux.ee> writes:
> > Any good ideas on how should we share our doc piles?
> Is there any way to systematically extract metadata like date
> published and title?
> If so, we should at least look at a bulk import of URLs and metadata
> into manx at their current location on Oracle's site.
> Do we know if any of the doc piles are systematically gathered full
> mirrors?
> If so, manx supports the idea of mirrors so those other locations can
> be listed for each document, assuming they follow the same directory
> structure as Oracle's site.
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