[rescue] CD problems

Carl R. Friend crfriend at rcn.com
Tue May 19 16:51:57 CDT 2020

On 5/19/20 5:39 PM, silvercreekvalley wrote:
> Fresh from my success at getting the CDROM working on the Ultra 10, I thought
> Ibd try the Sparcstation.
> This is a 1+, so quite early.
>  [...]
> b sd(0,6,2)
> at the prompt. The CDROM drive whirs and the read light flashes and then it
> says
> Booting from: sd(0,6,2)
> Bad magic number in disk label!
> The file just loaded does not appear to be executable
> Now I know the CDROM and media is OK as it works on the Ultra 10.

    Does the drive support 512 bytes/sector transfers?   I seem to
recall that a lot of the earlier Sun kit required that.


| Carl Richard Friend (UNIX Sysadmin)            | Boylston            |
| Minicomputer Collector / Enthusiast            | Massachusetts, USA  |
| mailto:crfriend at rcn.com                        +---------------------+
| http://users.rcn.com/crfriend/museum           | ICBM: 42:20N 71:43W |

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