[rescue] rescue DBlade 100 NVRAM replacement

Peter Stokes peter at ashlyn.co.uk
Thu Nov 12 16:56:26 CST 2020

Sent from my iPad

> On 12 Nov 2020, at 07:19, Romain Dolbeau <romain at dolbeau.org> wrote:
> o;?Le mer. 11 nov. 2020 C  21:15, Peter Stokes <peter at ashlyn.co.uk> a C)crit
>> The 48T58 ones work
>> just fine in the OBP3.X systems such us U5 etc, but for some reason OBP 4
>> prevents Solaris booting with them, giving a Tod error during Solaris
> loading.
> Is that when the 48T58 is brand new that the boot fails ? If so, as
> Solaris can kick-start the TOD clock in the U5, perhaps you could put
> the 48T58 in a U5, boot Solaris to kick-start the TOD, then move the
> 48T58 to the B100 ?
> Cordially & good luck,
> --
> Romain Dolbeau
> _______________________________________________
> rescue list - http://www.sunhelp.org/mailman/listinfo/rescue

Hi Romain

My technique to program ones for the Blade 100 (ie OBP4.x systems) is to use a
U5, use mkpl, change ID byte, recalculate checksum and then transfer to Blade
100. This will turn on the clock as part of the U5 procedure. The issue with
58 occurs with this procedure, but the DS1553 does not have any problems (as
the 59 did not).

So my quest continues, as mentioned this is for supply to customer who wants
standard parts.

As mentioned elsewhere buying from Chinese suppliers or anyone not an
authorised supplier is likely to end in tears, I have been down that path a
few times and never had a good result.


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