[rescue] SunFire V490 FTGH - Minneapolis/St. Paul

Thomas Pelki thomas.pelki.1969 at gmail.com
Tue Oct 27 01:18:22 CDT 2020

this is so odd it requires 220V. i got a pile of v480's that run on 120v
and a v880 that will run on 120v.

wished you weren't so far from me, id love to grab this.


On Sun, Oct 25, 2020 at 12:00 PM Steve Hatle <shatle at nfldinet.com> wrote:

> All,
> I have a V490 that needs a new home. Was given to me as a wiped 'data
> center pull'. I tried to fire it up and puttered about a lot in LOM
> until I figured out it required 220V to run...
> Yours for free if we can arrange pickup at my place south of the Twin
> Cities (preferred), or would be willing to meet in a reasonable radius.
> Steve
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