[rescue] Things I'd like to find good homes for...

Liam Proven lproven at gmail.com
Wed Sep 2 08:46:05 CDT 2020

On Wed, 2 Sep 2020 at 14:56, Nathan Raymond <nraymond at gmail.com> wrote:

> NeXTstation Color Turbo slab, soundbox, ADB keyboard, ADB mouse, 17"

> I'm not sure what would be reasonable to ask on any of this stuff, so I'm
> open to offers. Would prefer local pickup (01845 in the US) or

Augh! I could not see any mention of where you are, but I see a number
there which means zero to me but mentions the USA. Meaning it's on a
different continent to me (Prague).

(Can NAmericans really work out what town/city/state whatever just
from a 5-digit number? I would not know most UK postcodes unless I'd
lived there or been there a lot, and Czech ones are meaningless to me.
I live in 182-00 and my office is in 186-00 but both are in Prague 8.
My building number is 1119/9; since all postcodes here end in 00, it
would make much more sense to me if the postcode was 182-1119, but no,
2-part building numbers are the rule. No idea why.)

Anyway, I reckon the NeXTstation alone would be worth a few hundred
$currency for any major one...

Liam Proven b Profile: https://about.me/liamproven
Email: lproven at cix.co.uk b gMail/gTalk/gHangouts: lproven at gmail.com
Twitter/Facebook/LinkedIn/Flickr: lproven b Skype: liamproven
UK: +44 7939-087884 b DR (+ WhatsApp/Telegram/Signal): +420 702 829 053

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