[rescue] preparing to unload the majority of my Sun Collection.

Thomas Pelki thomas.pelki.1969 at gmail.com
Mon Apr 5 17:53:08 CDT 2021

I don't mind paying to ship as long as you can pack the D1000 (preferably)
well. seems the door hinges are the weak point of these.
you don't happen to have the rackmount kit for these, do you?

I still don't have mail setup in Oregon and gonna be 6 to 9 months before
we move (out of Northern Nevada) since we are doing a bunch of renovating
so it would be shipped to the Northern Nevada mail place here.

feel free to send me a direct email and see if we can make this happen.

On Mon, Apr 5, 2021 at 2:57 PM Sandwich Maker <adh at an.bradford.ma.us> wrote:

> " From: John Floren <john at jfloren.net>
> "
> " On Mon, Apr 5, 2021 at 2:03 PM Thomas Pelki <thomas.pelki.1969 at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> " >
> " > Hi All,
> " >
> " > With some things changing in my personal life, and not gonna have
> space at
> " > my new house, I'm looking to unload the majority of my Sun Collection.
> " >
> " > I'm located on the west coast and just bought a house in Oregon and my
> " > storage unit in Northern Nevada where all the Sun Microsystems stuff is
> " > located.
> " >
> " > all the VME stuff will be going to Dave McGuire and his museum. (he has
> " > first dibs to anything I have for the museum that he wants)
> " >
> " > I have a metric ton of stuff including:
> []
> " > Sun Ultra 450
> " > Lots of SCA hard drives
> []
> " > 3 sun Tube Monitors (one Widescreen)
> []
> " > I'm looking for D1000 or A1000's, SC2000e motherboards, SM81-2's, CPU
> " > or anything interesting to max out these servers or anything i can
> acquire
> " > for a E10k
> "
> " I for one would love to acquire another big Sun tube monitor or two,
> " but shipping that kind of thing... the juice ain't worth the squeeze.
> "
> " If anybody in the Bay Area is contemplating making a road trip out to
> " the storage unit, maybe we can figure something out?
> if anyone in the upper right corner of the us wants a u450, i've got
> one - server, loaded, 4*450, 4g, 20*20g, on wheels - not the little
> sun ones but 3" non-marring; it can actually roll on carpet.
> somewhere i have a sun pci video card or 2 which i was going to put in
> it.
> i also have a d1000 and a1000, but damned if i know how to get them to
> oregon affordably.
> and a u440, loaded.
> and i have a big ol' '80s-vintage 3bnc sun mon, not fired up in ~25y
> but working then.
> i'm in 01835.
> ________________________________________________________________________
> Andrew Hay                                  the genius nature
> internet rambler                            is to see what all have seen
> adh at an.bradford.ma.us                       and think what none thought
> _______________________________________________
> rescue list - http://www.sunhelp.org/mailman/listinfo/rescue

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