[rescue] EIO card in HP 4M

Mouse mouse at Rodents-Montreal.ORG
Mon Apr 12 12:23:27 CDT 2021

> Probably banking on that model of printer keeps working for decades
> vs. the 14 month cycle every inkjet printer I buy tends to last.


I have a LaserJet IIISi, currently in storage.

It's big and heavy, and, yes, monochrome, but it's a tank.  I actually
had a capacitor (power-supply filtering, I think) fail on one of the
boards, years back.  It arced enough to eat away a substantial chunk of
the PCB.  But I cleaned off that corner, replaced the cap, and it went
right back to working.  If I were to drag it out (and, possibly,
replace the drum and toner - I have a fuzzy memory it was ghosting
badly), I would expect it to work fine once again.

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