[rescue] EIO card in HP 4M

Dave McGuire mcguire at neurotica.com
Mon Apr 12 22:06:40 CDT 2021

On 4/12/21 10:46 PM, Mouse wrote:
>> I couldn't do my job with an SS20, as much as I might enjoy doing so.
> Couldn't do your job with an SS20, or couldn't do your job with _only_
> an SS20?

   I could do some small parts of my job with an SS20.

> Even I couldn't do my jobs with _only_ the SS20; as I said,
> most of my work is done on work-owned machines which I ssh to.  The
> SS20 depends on at least two other machines to reach anything outside
> my house network (my main house router machine and my border PPPoE
> machine), and they, alas, are x86-architecture (the former is a peecee
> with a bunch of Ethernets in it; the latter is, IIRC, a PCEngines Alix
> something-or-other - some peecee-architecture machine in a tiny
> blue/green metal case: three Ethernets, serial console, disk via USB,
> and a wall-wart for power).

   Sounds reasonable.  My work setup is significantly different; I'm 
completely self-contained here and I use a lot more cycles than an SS20 
can provide for most of it.

   But that doesn't mean I don't looooove me some SS20s. =)


Dave McGuire, AK4HZ
New Kensington, PA

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