[rescue] EIO card in HP 4M
Mike Spooner
mikes at aalin.co.uk
Fri Apr 16 11:54:11 CDT 2021
ACARD have been the go-to for this kind of thing for at least a couple of
decades, and have quite a range of form-factors for their SCSI-to-XXX
http://www.acard.com/index.files/Page497.htm (you might need to look at their
'legacy' pages).
Their main customer-focus was always the OEM market, but there are
independantB retail ACARD-adaptor suppliers kicking around, if thin on the
The other famously geeky source of (different) SCSI-to-whatever adaptors is,
of course, artmix.com, a one-man bundle of legacy energy.
Both of these are well-known in the legacy-SCSI-macbooks and MIDI-samplers
I'm currently using a 64GB SATA SLC SSD as my SS10 boot-drive, sitting in an
ACARD ARS-2000U adapter sled, connected to an SBus Single-Ended
Wide-Ultra-SCSI card.
That ACARD adaptor was expensive (B#125, but cheaper than retail: I picked a
couple up from a UK industrial I.T. contractor that was running-down his
consultancy legacy supplies in 2014). Both of those adaptors have never let me
-- Mike
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