[rescue] seen on reddit, free E450 in MA, US

Stephen Conley cheetah at tanabi.org
Sat Apr 17 06:28:24 CDT 2021

I don't have a reddit account so I can't post there, but I thought it useful
info for folks on this list...

The guy posting kept mentioning how heavy it is and how you need two guys to
lift it.B  If you take out the power supplies (by FAR the heaviest pieces) and
hard drives if applicable, these guys are actually pretty managable by one

I'm no hulk -- I absolutely couldn't get one off the ground with the power
supplies in it -- but I got one upstairs even without much issue once the
power supplies are out.B  Kind of like moving a college sized fridge at that
point, though granted a somewhat heavy one.B  The power supplies are something
like 40 lbs each if I recall correctly and are the majority of the weight.

This has been a public service announcement! :)

16 abr. 2021 9:43:26 p. m. Ross Lonstein <rlonstein+sunhelp at pobox.com>:

> Not mine, passing it on...
> - Ross
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