[rescue] EIO card in HP 4M

Chase Rayfield cusbrar2 at yahoo.com
Sat Apr 17 14:39:48 CDT 2021

>There is also the SD2SCSI.

>None of the RASCSI, SD2SCSI, or ArtMix options support wide or Ultra 
>SCSI as far as I can tell, so speed will be pretty limited. 
You are probably also aware but I will mention, Micheal McMaster made the SCSI2SD and ArtMix ripped it off... you still can't get source for that board from him, so really nobody should buy anything from Artmix, I am pretty sure there are alternative sources for just about all of his overpriced products now.
It sure would be nice if one of the small FPGAs with PCIe were adapted to a SCSI2NVMe converter... even one lane of PCIe would be enough to emulate several u320 drives.


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