[rescue] SunOS 4.1.3 X-Windows client to modern Linux System, How?

Dave McGuire mcguire at neurotica.com
Tue Apr 20 10:06:37 CDT 2021

  X11 ssh forwarding does work, but it's not fast on old iron.  Not fast
at all.  Honestly, it's best to go through the machinations to have the
modern machine accept connections on port 6000 (+screen), as God (and
Jim Gettys et al) intended.

  Another trick is to use socat:

socat tcp-l:6000,fork,reuseaddr unix-connect:/tmp/.X11-unix/X0

  This will cause the machine on which it's executed to accept external
TCP connections on port 6000 and forward them to the specified UNIX socket.

  I use that trick as a stopgap when I'm working on a machine that would
be painful to log out of to restart the X server. (hundreds of windows
open and lots of context that I don't want to lose)


On 4/20/21 10:33 AM, Stephen Conley wrote:
> Hey there;
> So modern Ubuntu by default makes it fairly difficult to accept X clients
> without going through an SSH tunnel.  It's possible but it's a lot of
> config files.  A google search for your distribution and version will
> reveal how to do it.  I believe even old X windows can use a modern X
> server as a client? I believe it is rather backwards compatible ...
> Do you have openSSH server on the Sun machine?  A cursory search suggests
> there's some version of ssh for that era of sun.  If you do, you can make
> sure X11Forwarding is set to 'yes' in the server SSH config, then SSH to it
> thusly:
> ssh -Y user at sun
> ... and just see if firing up an xterm brings it up :)  If you do it this
> way, no env variables to fuss with, no configuration to deal with either,
> it just magically works.
> On Tue, Apr 20, 2021 at 10:26 AM john ferguson <jferg977 at aol.com> wrote:
>> Comrades,
>> I'm sitting at a desk which has a modern Ubuntu System underneath in a
>> big tower and a SPARCstation10 on top with the monitors atop the Sparc.B
>> I have the big monitor hooked up via a vga converter to the Sun and to
>> the Linux system via HDMI. I can switch from one to the other but then I
>> also have tokeep two keyboards and mice handy.
>> Years ago we could run the Suns as X-Windows clients to X-windows
>> servers on PC's running Windows (3 - think it was).B  It took proprietary
>> software, but it worked and we sold a a number of sites with this setup.
>> One of them included a SparcStation 2 which replaced a computer-room
>> full of IBM leased equipment with a disk farm of removable hard disks
>> which I think maxed out at a few megs each - cannot remember. At this
>> particular site, a family owned shoe manufacturing business, the owner
>> was astounded that the pizza-box could run the systems which heretofore
>> had required a room full of big boxes and a serious Liebert air
>> conditioning system.
>> So the question is, assuming I'm running OpenLook on the SPARCstation,
>> does anyone have any idea how I might do what was so easy 30 years ago?
>> john Ferguson St Petersburg, FL
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Dave McGuire, AK4HZ
New Kensington, PA

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