[rescue] Fwd: Which current Linux works on SB2000?

Nemo Nusquam cym224 at gmail.com
Thu Apr 22 10:37:46 CDT 2021

[Message content rejected so trying again.]

On 2021-04-21 07:53, Romain Dolbeau wrote:
> Le mar. 20 avr. 2021 C 23:01, Nemo Nusquam<cym224 at gmail.com> a C)crit :
>> For testing purposes, I need Linux running on my SB2000.B Any advice on
>> which distribution to install?
> The Debian port 'sparc64' is actively being worked on. I have it
> installed on both a SB2500 and a T5120; I haven't updated it recently
> (>1year), but then it was working fine on my Ultra 1E as well.
> Beware; if memory serves, at some points there were issues between
> Linux and the FC-AL controller for the SB2000 disks.
> You may want to look at alternate solutions if that is still the case,
> some were discussed recently (e.g.
> <http://www.sunhelp.org/pipermail/rescue/2021-April/142574.html>).
> Cordially,
> --
> Romain Dolbeau

My thanks to Alexander and you for your suggestions.

I found that there was an issue with the QLogic FC-AL controller in the 
SB1000/2000 boxes.CB  This seems to have been resolved, at least in 
Gentoo, with some users reporting no problems with recent releases. I 
note that Gentoo released a new version a few days ago, so I shall try 
that one.


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