[rescue] Anyone know the encoding on the older IDPROMs?

Ethan Hawke ehawk at ember.systems
Tue Aug 3 09:31:20 CDT 2021

> Hi, at least for some of the early models the Serial #, HostID and MAC
> address are determined by defined offsets from the converted PROM ID code.
> I had enough original ClassicXs and an SS10 and some other published
> information (ELC) to determine these offset values but unfortunately
> none of my IPCs or lone IPX had original values.

Interesting, can you elaborate on the method?

> If anyone has any original Serial #/MAC data for the IPC or IPX or other
> models then these offsets could be determined.

Feel free to use mine,

IPX, Sticker: SBZ9, MAC: 8:0:20:0D:AE:2C (Might be 8:0:20:19:F7:47 
instead), Host ID: 5721b630,

These are extracted from the logs from it's original hard drive (as far 
as I am aware, I am not the original owner, so it may have been changed)


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