[rescue] Wanted SS5/20 disk bracket, UK preferred

Peter Stokes peter at ashlyn.co.uk
Mon Aug 9 17:15:26 CDT 2021

Hi Mouse

Just checking to see how many disk brackets you can spare for me and when you
are likely to have them packaged? Also what price are you looking at for



Sent from my iPad

> On 6 Aug 2021, at 15:40, Mouse <mouse at rodents-montreal.org> wrote:
> o;?
>>> I've got a bunch of [SS20/etc disk sleds] I've been getting close to
>>> throwing out (because I've got way more than I'm ever likely to
>>> use).
>> Not sure why anyone would throw something like that out.  It's not
>> like they'll be making more.
> Someone with a 3D printer likely could make more as one-offs.  Someone
> with a sheet-metal shop could probably put together a workable metal
> substitute.
> As for why?  Because I really really need to get rid of stuff, and it's
> to the point where some of even the retrocomputing hobby stuff isn't
> making the cut to keep.  Without someone to give them to, well, the
> alternative is....
> Fortunately all around, there are now two someones, at least, to give
> them to. :-)  (I find it a lot easier to let go of things when they're
> going to someone who'll use them.)
>> We can use them (minus some for Peter) at LSSM, we can pay for the
>> shipping.
> Okay.  I'm unlikely to be doing much more than glancing at email this
> weekend (I expect other things to be taking up my time), but once the
> weekend's over I can see about getting them packed up and sent off.
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