[rescue] Wanted SS5/20 disk bracket, UK preferred

Mouse mouse at Rodents-Montreal.ORG
Fri Aug 13 14:52:58 CDT 2021

Back on 2021-08-09, I wrote, referring to SS5/SS20 disk sleds,

> I will have to dig the box out of storage to see how many I have; I
> think it is on the order of a dozen.

I have now found the box.  My guess was pretty accurate: I have 13 of

5402443-05 x 4
5402733-01 x 3 (interestingly, two are grey plastic, one is clear)
5402875-01 x 2
5402560-03 x 2 (same plastic, different-appearing barcode stickers)
5402699-01 x 1

The last one has no Sun barcode sticker and is slightly different in
shape (the reinforcing bar at the SCA-connector end is wider); I
suspect it is a third-party clone.  It looks functionally identical.

I'll dig up a few boxes and figure out how to pack them so they stand a
fighting chance of surviving the trip and will be getting back to you
people about shipping info and suchlike.


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