[rescue] 3D model of parts (Re: Wanted SS5/20 disk bracket, UK preferred)

Romain Dolbeau romain at dolbeau.org
Sat Aug 21 06:02:40 CDT 2021

Le sam. 21 aoC;t 2021 C  12:02, Alexander Jacocks <jjacocks at gmail.com> a
C)crit :
> Ib d put it online at thingiverse and prusaprinters.org. That would allow a
> decent chance for someone to find it.

I've put it on <https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4937700>, but
there's too much stuff on Thingiverse to find this kind of highly
specific part.

A somewhat 'curated' list of 3D parts on something similar to SunHelp
could still be useful, if only as pointers to thingiverse & co.

Does anyone know if something like that already exists for the more
popular retro-systems ? (I'm thinking C64 and similar).


Romain Dolbeau

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