[rescue] SBusFPGA update: USB Host, 256 MiB DDR3 RAM disk, ... (Was: Re: A SBus card for SPARCstation designed in 2020...)
Romain Dolbeau
romain at dolbeau.org
Mon Aug 23 02:18:31 CDT 2021
Le lun. 23 aoC;t 2021 C 00:39, Richard <ejb at trick-1.net> a C)crit :
> If you are thinking of making a small run available at some point I for one
would be very interested.
Thanks for the vote of confidence :-) but I'm not sure the numbers add up...
The off-the-shelf FPGA board itself will already set you back >150b,
(incl. VAT, excl. shipping) from the company in Germany - if you pick
the smallest FPGA (which I did, and it's probably enough).
And then the custom carrier gets expensive for very small numbers;
last time I got 5 PCBs with only 2 populated and it was about 300b,. A
10+ full run could probably bring the price down to 100b,/piece (maybe
even a bit less), but that's still an expensive proposition at around
250b, for the 'finished' product - assuming there would be a market for
at least 10! And with no support for SunOS 4 or Solaris 2.x/7/8 at
all, only NetBSD...
Also it is too tall to fit in the SBus specifications (those 2.54mm
headers are tall, and I added a radiator on the FPGA just in case), so
you need to put it in a bottom slot of a 10/20 (haven't tried it in
anything but a couple of 20s yet so no idea about other SPARCstations)
and it will block the top one - and might cause airflow issue (it's
not that hot by itself, though).
I might do another set of PCBs with proper USB support and more
interrupt lines connected, but I won't know if all that will work
until I've tested them - so it doesn't make sense to do a bunch of
them beforehands (I'm no PCB expert, hence the lack of high-speed
stuff like HDMI :-( ).
Romain Dolbeau
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