[rescue] SBusFPGA update: USB Host, 256 MiB DDR3 RAM disk, ... (Was: Re: A SBus card for SPARCstation designed in 2020...)

Romain Dolbeau romain at dolbeau.org
Tue Aug 31 04:37:31 CDT 2021

Le mar. 31 aoC;t 2021 C  09:06, Joshua Boyd <jdboyd at jdboyd.net> a C)crit :
> You may be selling yourself short on what it takes to do HDMI. The
> youtube video I will include the URL for[0] shows someone bit banging
> HDMI from a Raspbery Pi Pico using breadboard, and throughhole resistors.

I was looking at specifications and pre-existing,
known-to-work-with-Litex (the SoC framework I use) designs.
The easiest design I've seen is from my Qmtech Wukong (a cheap Chinese
Artix-7 100T board that works very well), as it has basically one
integrated chip, the connector, and some passive components. But I
still would need to route 4 length-matched pairs of differential
signals, and those are pass-through the chip (they go FPGA - chip -
connector rather than the chip having an input and an output signal).

>From the video you linked (thanks for the pointer!), it seems that you
can stray significantly from the specifications and still make it work
:-) I'll have to think about it...


Romain Dolbeau

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