[rescue] Boot fails with data access error (Solaris 10 on SB2500 Red)

Nemo Nusquam cym224 at gmail.com
Mon Dec 6 14:28:13 CST 2021

On 2021-11-29 16:23, Nemo Nusquam wrote:
> Greetings, Jon.
> On 2021-11-29 11:03, Jonathan Katz wrote:
>> This could be a few things; your disk could be dying or you could have
>> bad RAM. I'm thinking it's a bad disk.
>> Easiest way to tell would be to boot from a CD/DVD and see if it
>> executes or crashes. If the CD runs OK, then you're in good shape from
>> a CPU/RAM perspective. You may also see FC-AL/SCSI errors if the disk
>> has issues when booting from the CD. Are there no other errors on the
>> console when the system powers on?
> I could not boot from a (Sun) DVD -- most disturbing. So I tried 
> booting from disc again. This time, I was told of a memory error and 
> advised to run "fmadm faulty". The latter told me.
> Fault class : fault.memory.bank 95%
> Affects : mem:///unum=DIMM0,DIMM1
> faulted but still in service
> I will try replacing these two DIMMs and see what happens.

Well, I replaced DIMM0/1 (Infineon sticks with Infineon sticks).  On 
first boot, I was informed that the memory fault was cleared and the OS 
booted.  But 5 min later, the system rebooted with the same error as 

I am going to try booting this disc on my other SB2500 and see what happens.


>> Good luck!
> Thank you.
> N.
>> On Sun, Nov 28, 2021 at 4:26 PM Nemo Nusquam <cym224 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Greetings.
>>> My SB2500 Red rebooted and failed with the following error:
>>> | Rebooting with command: boot
>>> | Boot device: disk:a File and args:
>>> |     ERROR: /packages/deblocker: Last Trap: Data Access Error
>>> |Short disk read

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