[rescue] 3D model of parts

Romain Dolbeau romain at dolbeau.org
Tue Dec 21 02:44:10 CST 2021

Le lun. 20 dC)c. 2021 C  22:29, Alexander Jacocks <jjacocks at gmail.com> a
C)crit :
> Nice work, Romain! Definitely useful over here, as I have lots of SS
> 4/5/10/20s with missing blanking plates.

PLA should be fine to plug SBus/Mbus holes, but don't expect it to be
strong enough to hold up a MBus module.

Screws are easy to source, but I did not find a replacement for the
small rectangle washers. Easy enough to 3d print, but mechanically
almost useless.
If someone knows how to source an adequate replacement (in quantities
of up to dozens, not thousands :-) ) , please share.


Romain Dolbeau

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