[rescue] SS1000 rescued

Richard ejb at trick-1.net
Mon Feb 8 04:46:51 CST 2021


Solaris 8 was apparently  the last to support Sun4d. By Solaris 9 support was
removed. Might have to max out the memory to do Solaris 2.8 so thinking 2.4
(minimum 16Mb) /2.6 might be more the go. I see that NetBSD  and OpenBSD
doesnbt support at all.

I have various sunos/solaris versions running so happy either way.
Netra T1125 - 2.6
Ultra Enterprise 4K - 2.8
SS20 - 2.6
SS20 - 2.4
SS5 - NetBSD 7
SS2 - 4.1.4_U1
386i - 4.0.3

> On 8 Feb 2021, at 9:13 pm, Jonathan Katz <jon at jonworld.com> wrote:
> Solaris 8 or 9 if you can.
> On Mon, Feb 8, 2021 at 9:52 AM Richard <ejb at trick-1.net> wrote:
>> Hi folks
>> So rescued a SS1000 today from the local recycler. has
>> - 2x CPU boards total of 4CPU - TMS390 Super Sparc CPU & 128MB memory
>> - 1x drive card with 4 drives
>> - 4x drives in front
>> - CD-ROM
>> - DAT drive
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