[rescue] GCS scorpion

Richard ejb at trick-1.net
Tue Feb 9 15:43:08 CST 2021

Yes itbs about the size of a 4/260 or a small fridge and only slightly
lighter :-)

Sent from my iPhone

> On 10 Feb 2021, at 08:39, Mike Spooner <mikes at aalin.co.uk> wrote:
> o;?Y'all,
> Just a reminder, before any discussions about shipping crop up amongst the
excited: the GCS Scorpion chassis is *much* bigger and heavier than a Sun
> See:
> http://mbus.sunhelp.org/systems/gcs/scorpion_p.htm
> It is conceivable that GCS perhaps, maybe, also did a midi-sized alternate
Scorpion chassis, but I have never heard of such.
> -- Mike
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