[rescue] PCI SCSI card needed

erie patselllis epatsellis at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 21 12:50:33 CST 2021

Steve,B B Either ofB the 2940s should work, if you can contact me off list wer
can work out payment. B 

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPad

On Thursday, January 21, 2021, 1:25 PM, Steve Sandau <ssandau at gwi.net> wrote:

I have an Adaptec 2940, a 2940-w, and a 19150.

Any of those work for you? Yours for COS.


On 1/21/21 12:57 PM, Phil Stracchino wrote:
> On 1/21/21 12:18 PM, erie patselllis wrote:
>> Having moved 1000 miles and not bringing all of my computer things (yet),
>> need to find a SCSI card with either a 25 pin d sub connector or a high
>> density 50 pin and a cable to connect to a 50 pin centronics connector (on
>> ancient Linotype Opal Ultra scanner). Hopefully supported on win7 X64
>> Before I dive into the eBay nonsense, does anybody on the list have
>> in their junk box or boxbobstuff?
> I just checked the final batch of cards waiting in my garage to go to
> electronics recycling.B  The only PCI card in there is a 4-port SATA host
> adapter.B  As I thought, I got rid of all the SCSI controllers some years
> ago after several calls for interest yielded no nibbles.
> On the off chance of any interest, here is what is in that last batch:
> One anonymous 4-port PCI SATA card (Silicon Image chipset)
> One 501-4127 Creator 1 FFB
> One 501-5406 QFE
> One PCIe RadeonHD 5570 GPU, unknown brand
> One GigaByte PCIe RadeonHD 4550 GPU, 512MB
> All were working when last used.B  If anyone wants any of these, speak up
> now, or they're going to electronics recycling the next time we're out
> there, along with two LaserJet 4M Plus printers that we can't get to
> work on the network any more.
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