[rescue] Free Stuff Update

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at gmail.com
Sat Jul 10 07:42:15 CDT 2021

I have contacted everyone that contacted me, and it looks like
everything has been spoken for.

The Solaris 1.1.2 box and 5x86 boards were exceptionally popular.

Please, if I sent you an email reply ASAP, indicating if you do or do
not still want the requested items.

Everything is ready to ship/be delivered.

Today I am shipping a U2 to NC, delivering a U30 and other bits to
Dave's LSSM, and tomorrow I'll be stopping off in Chicago area to
deliver some Sun goodness. Upon returning to Texas, I'll be shipping a
U30 to NM, and as I receive payment I'll be shipping smaller parcels
"from the road".

Thanks to all that were interested, I wish I had more to give.

Take care,


Lionel Peterson
lionel4287 at gmail.com

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