[rescue] Looking for RasterFlex HR

Malte Dehling mdehling at gmail.com
Mon Jul 12 05:53:20 CDT 2021

On Sun, Jul 11, 2021 at 11:46:53AM +0200, Romain Dolbeau wrote:
> Le sam. 29 mai 2021 C  21:25, Malte Dehling <mdehling at gmail.com> a C)crit :
> > I had already downloaded the drivers from your site a while ago, thanks
> > for hosting them :-)
> Out of curiosity - do you plan to stick with the original driver and
> Solaris, or is there any hope for a NetBSD driver eventually?
> (I have a RasterFlex HR under Solaris, they are very nice, abd would
> love to try it under NetBSD as well, but have neither the skills or
> the time to analyze/reverse-engineer the design and write a driver
> myself...)

Hi Romain!

I was indeed planning to give it a go and try to get at least basic
support working.  Though I do have to say that I also lack the skills
and experience, so I won't make any promises.  I'll let you know how it
goes once I get around to it!


Malte Dehling
<mdehling at gmail.com>

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