[rescue] What would you pay for a Type 5 keyboard?

Jonathan Patschke jp at celestrion.net
Sun Jun 6 16:19:57 CDT 2021

On Fri, 4 Jun 2021, Michael Parson wrote:

>> Time to kickstarter a replica Type 5 keyboard that runs on USB :)
> Isn't that basically what a Type 6/7 keyboard is?

Maybe before they were cost-optimized to where they'd blow off your
desk.  They're "okay," but they feel so cheap and flimsy after using a
Type 4.

> I've got a couple of Type-6 keyboards that I used for a long time, but
> swapped to a CODE keyboard with clear switches a few years back.

Same.  They're amazing keyboards.

Jonathan Patschke
Austin, TX

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