[rescue] What would you pay for a Type 5 keyboard?

Stephen Conley cheetah at tanabi.org
Mon Jun 7 10:13:32 CDT 2021

Yeah, the type 7 is awful.  To me, the keys are on it are literally painful
to use ... and I think they made it smaller too, and frankly the size is a
good 75% of why I like the Type 5.  It's sized exactly right and the key
'geometry' is just perfect for my beat up old hands.  I think I used mine
for like two hours, then popped some ibriprofin and found a Sun-to-USB for
my Type 5 :)  Fortunately I got my 7 "for free" as part of a machine
purchase back in the day.

On Mon, Jun 7, 2021 at 7:39 AM <sawbona at gmx.net> wrote:

> On 6 Jun 2021 at 16:19, Jonathan Patschke wrote:
> > ... before they were cost-optimized ...
> Cost optimised?
> OK, that's *one* way of putting it.  8^D
> Some time after I landed my Ultra 24, I came across a pair of Type 7 kbds.
> which, based on
> what I had seen with previous Sun kit, I purchased in a heartbeat.
> They were used but in excellent shape and very clean so I did not question
> the
> price I was
> paying for them, which turned out to be far too much.
> I did not expect to see this flimsiness and fragility in a modern Sun
> keyboard.
> The layout was the only thing it had going for it.
> Unfortunately, the rest of the type 7 is a real POS.
> Best,
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