[rescue] What would you pay for a Type 5 keyboard?
Lionel Peterson
lionel4287 at gmail.com
Wed Jun 9 12:12:27 CDT 2021
The wasdkeyboards.com keyboards look nice, I especially like the ability to
choose colors for each keycap, though no pricing is available on the website.
They also offer a fascinating item, a key switch 'sampler', with 9 different
key switch models and a variety of different o-rings to try out and decide
which you like best...
> On Jun 9, 2021, at 12:27, Doug McIntyre <merlyn at geeks.org> wrote:
> o;?Oh, but you can pay $299 for a single-digit serial #.
> If you like that layout, what I've moved to is from wasdkeyboards.com.
> I have a Unix/Mac layout that I custom did the keycap printing on.
> That otherwise looks very similar to a type-5. Mechanical keyswitches
> instead of dome switches (which always felt a bit soft for me, (but
> apparently I like really stiff mechanical keyswitches anyway, I still
> have my Northgate Omnikey+ keyboard).
> Main difference is the back tick is on the left not right, and escape
> is up higher, which I don't mind too much. On the Type-5 Unix I'd
> frequently mash other buttons with ESC where it was. (much like typing
> on the HP PA Programmers keyboard, constant other button mashing for me,
> must be for small hands).
> I think the price is affordable. I'm not overly enamored with buckling
spring keyswitchs.
>> On Wed, Jun 09, 2021 at 12:09:21PM -0400, Lionel Peterson wrote:
>> If you click thru to options you can order one of several key layouts
>> and a couple others) & styles (unprinted or printed key caps in various
>> colors).
>> At $400, a bit steep, but I'm certain there's a market for that type of
>> I did chuckle at the opportunity to pay 10% more ($39) for a "low serial
>> number" keyboard!
>> Ken
>>>> On Jun 9, 2021, at 04:25, Mike Meredith <very at zonky.org> wrote:
>>> o;?Hi!
>>> Tuning in late ...
>>> I was going to suggest looking at https://www.modelfkeyboards.com/ (the
>>> keyboard has a HHKB-style Split right shift and split backspace layout
>>> that is a reasonable replica of the Unix layout sans special keys down
>>> the left (on a Type5)). It's a left of field suggestion and the sticker
>>> price is /high/, but it's solid enough to outlast a lifetime of typing.
>>>> On Fri, 4 Jun 2021 14:43:23 -0400, Dave McGuire wrote:
>>>> The tech side is easy. The plastics and mass production parts are
>>>> hard. Since some unnamed orange person Made Manufacturing
>>> It should be noted that the keyboard above was a "hobby project"
>>> started by 'Ellipse'. Took ~5 years so it's not an easy thing (and the
>>> manufacturing was done in China), but it's not impossible.
>>> --
>>> Mike Meredith (http://zonky.org/)
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