[rescue] What would you pay for a Type 5 keyboard?

Clifford Haight klemish at hotmail.com
Wed Jun 9 16:23:04 CDT 2021

I've gotten all mine from a local PC recycler, if you have one that might be
your best shot.    One of them locally does also sell online (RE-PC)  most of
them I have gotten <10$

From: rescue <rescue-bounces at sunhelp.org> on behalf of Lionel Peterson
<lionel4287 at gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, June 9, 2021 9:06 AM
To: The Rescue List <rescue at sunhelp.org>
Subject: Re: [rescue] What would you pay for a Type 5 keyboard?

Several IOGear KVMs (which mostly appear to be rebranded ATEN KVMs) support
Sun computers, but provide no 13W3 video or 6 pin (?) keyboard/mouse

I've got a 13W3 Sun KVM & cables in my garage, I just couldn't lay hands on
before driving to NJ. As I recall it was an 8 port KVM.


> On Jun 9, 2021, at 10:41, RichTea <mail at catsnest.co.uk> wrote:
> o;?Reading this inspired me so forgive my tangent.
> I just went through my stash of old KB's found a Type4, 5 loads of 6's my
> daily driver is a Type 7 =)
> I had a few diffident adaptors over the years the two I have found right
> now:
> One is a Belkin OmniView F1D082, it have Sun to PS2 and 13w3 to VGA but
> that's the wrong way around PS2 -> Sun.
> Another is an "Access Keyboards KMS4" which was much more interesting it
> was a KM Switch, Its Inputs were Serial, PS2 and Sun, it had 4 outputs
> depending on the cable you had were PS2 or Sun.
> I found two of them on eBay years ago but have never seen them since.
> I have at least one more type of KM switch I can not find right now but i
> used it to switch my Sun KB between Sun and PC at work. I'm sure I saw it
> just last week but can not remember the make.
> Now if I could only find the time to clean up the Type 4 =)
> Ritchie
> --
> <-- http://23.me.uk/2 -->
> <--Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana.  -->
>> On Wed, 9 Jun 2021 at 09:29, Mike Meredith <very at zonky.org> wrote:
>> Hi!
>> Tuning in late ...
>> I was going to suggest looking at https://www.modelfkeyboards.com/ (the
>> keyboard has a HHKB-style Split right shift and split backspace layout
>> that is a reasonable replica of the Unix layout sans special keys down
>> the left (on a Type5)). It's a left of field suggestion and the sticker
>> price is /high/, but it's solid enough to outlast a lifetime of typing.
>>> On Fri, 4 Jun 2021 14:43:23 -0400, Dave McGuire wrote:
>>>  The tech side is easy.  The plastics and mass production parts are
>>> hard.  Since some unnamed orange person Made Manufacturing
>> It should be noted that the keyboard above was a "hobby project"
>> started by 'Ellipse'. Took ~5 years so it's not an easy thing (and the
>> manufacturing was done in China), but it's not impossible.
>> --
>> Mike Meredith (http://zonky.org/)
>> [demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/pgp-signature]
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