[rescue] Python > 3.6 on Solaris 10

David Brownlee abs at absd.org
Sat Oct 16 10:54:20 CDT 2021

On the off chance that anyone is interested in recent python versions
on Solaris 10...

Official Python Solaris support ended at Python 3.6, but there is a
thread on the pkgsrc list where they are looking at getting Python 3.7
- 3.10 building on Solaris 10 (tl;dr - it doesn't seem to need much)

Their goal is to continue to support Solaris 10+ on pkgsrc, while
dropping older Python 3.x versions, but it occurred to me there are
likely to be people on this list who
a) Know why python 3.7+ on Solaris 10 is going to be a bad idea *
b) Are already running python 3.7+ on Solaris 10 and have a oar to weigh in with
c) Would be interested in some more up to date binaries for their
Solaris 10 box :)

*: Answers of "Any version of python anywhere is a bad idea" obviously
accepted here in the spirit intended, but not necessarily helpful to
the pkgsrc list :-p

Message: http://mail-index.netbsd.org/pkgsrc-users/2021/10/13/msg034585.html
Thread: http://mail-index.netbsd.org/pkgsrc-users/tindex.html#034544


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