[rescue] Subject: Sparc Classic/LX PS Fan

Kurt Nowak knowak at alumni.calpoly.edu
Mon Sep 13 13:31:55 CDT 2021

Thanks Chase!
Honestly, probably a good temporary fan but I think I'd rather try to find
the OEM M33402 or something at least a tad bit stronger while not exceeding
the 140mA rating of the Nidec. I'd probably go with the E34386 which there
are plenty of on Ebay. It's a little weaker at the same pressure drop
through and i'm not super thrilled about the sleeve bearings. Sun
lunchboxes are already pretty poorly cooled and I hesitate to go for
something possibly a little weaker. The 14cfm is measured at a particular
pressure drop and without seeing the fan curve of the Amazon one I don't
really know how it would perform at that of the Nidec's DP. I found another
lead but waiting on confirmation if it's in fact the M33402.


On Sat, Sep 11, 2021 at 11:20 AM Chase Rayfield <cusbrar2 at yahoo.com> wrote:

>  Kurt all you need is a 12V 60x25mm 14cfm fan... around 3000rpm. The fan
> below
> would work but I don't know for how long. The specs are almost the same
> though
> and it is a ball bearing fan... so it should last awhile in theory....
> maybe
> not 10 years heh.
> https://www.amazon.com/RDM6025S-DC12V-Brushless-3000RPM-60x60x25mm/dp/B00VP11
> PE8
> <https://www.amazon.com/RDM6025S-DC12V-Brushless-3000RPM-60x60x25mm/dp/B00VP11PE8>
> Below are the specs for the original fan.
> Model B B B B (CFM)B B  (V) (V)B B B B B B B B B B B  (mA) (W) (dBA) (Bels)
> (rpm)B B B B  BearingB B B B b   (B0C) (B0C)
> M33402 14 B B B B B B B B 12B B  10.2-13.8 140 1.68 22.5B B B B  3.9B B B
> B
> 3,060 B B B B Ball B B B B B B B B -10 B B B B +70
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