[rescue] 4k big monitor with picture in picture (for the SPARC10)

john ferguson jferg977 at aol.com
Sat Sep 18 08:54:23 CDT 2021

I've been running two monitors for years but recently realized that one
big one with 4k might be a little tidier.B  I have a sun to vga coverter
cable for the sparc10. I run Ubuntu or win10 on the larger monitor.

Idea is that with picture-in-picture, I'll be running wither win10 of
ubuntu on the big screen with OpenLook in the inset window.B  I'm
assumibng I'll need to either buy a monintor which can handle a vga
input for the Sun or get a vga-hdmi converter.

I'f you are doing this, have you had any issues with different sync
rates on the main picture vs the inset picture?B  or do they both have to
be the same?B  CanB  you get usable resolution on both pictures?

Do you think this is nuts?


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