[rescue] Solaris 8 SPARC

Rob Craig hello at robcraig.com
Tue Dec 6 04:39:35 EST 2022

Hi Mike,
Amazing. I’ve supported Sun workstations for many years in the 2000’s but never came across the SunPC. I bet they are hard to come by? I’d love to buy one of those. I see it only uses Sbus? My current Sun collection (which I saved from a skip) are the later models. Ultra 30, Sunblade 2000, Sunblade 1000 and 2 newer SunBlade 1500. I did also save a Silicon Octans workstation as well

Regarding the patches its not my site but I’ve been dumping the important stuff. I’ve emailed the owner as it would be good to have your cluster patches there also as many people use this site and it’s very stable and fast. 

Do you have your files online so I can grab them? 


> On 6 Dec 2022, at 09:09, Mike Spooner via rescue <rescue at sunhelp.org> wrote:
> Hi Rob,
> That's a rather fantastic collection you have there!
> On a related-but-other note, if you want a copy of the SunPC 4.2 CD image *that includes the last ever SunPC patch*,
> take a look at https://fido.aalin.co.uk/sunpc <https://fido.aalin.co.uk/sunpc>
> Finally, would you be interested in adding Solaris Recommended Patch Clusters to your collection? I have several, of several dates, including the final Solaris 2.6 RCP.
> I guess I should at least get them hosted at my end, as well - so that there would be some redundancy of supply.
> Regards,
> Mike
> On 05/12/2022 23:17, Rob Craig via rescue wrote:
>> Hi Thomas,
>> You can download it here: https://fsck.technology/software/Sun%20Microsystems/SunOS%20Install%20Media/ <https://fsck.technology/software/Sun%20Microsystems/SunOS%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20Install%20Media/>
>> Regards,
>>> On 4 Dec 2022, at 19:14, Thomas Pelki <thomas.pelki.1969 at gmail.com <mailto:thomas.pelki.1969 at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>> Hi Dave,
>>> In your collection of ISO's, you don't happen to have the latest version of SunOS 4.1.x and the latest patch cluster for it do you?
>>> -Thomas
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