[rescue] bwtwo 9-pin sub-D to 13W3 dongle?

Plamen Mihaylov plamenspam at afterpeople.com
Sun Dec 11 01:25:50 EST 2022

I've used EXTRON RGB 202xi with bwtwo and it worked, but AFAIR you still
need to build a custom cable.

On Sun, Dec 11, 2022 at 12:58 AM Kurt Nowak via rescue <rescue at sunhelp.org>

> Does anyone know if Sun ever made a bwtwo 9-pin sub-D to 13W3 dongle? If
> so, is there a P/N for it? I use a Dell flatscreen monitor successfully on
> the 13W3 version of the bwtwo frame buffer. I have a 3/50 which I'm working
> on at the moment and trying to figure out how to get a display output using
> the original 9-pin cable then connecting that to a 9-pin to VGA adapter but
> that doesn't work. Does anyone have a successful solution and pinout for
> said solution? Thanks!
> -Kurt
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