[rescue] Sun 3/50 scsi boot string

Kurt Nowak knowak at alumni.calpoly.edu
Wed Dec 28 11:42:08 EST 2022

On Mon, Dec 26, 2022 at 12:51 PM Dave McGuire <mcguire at neurotica.com> wrote:

> On 12/26/22 14:05, Kurt Nowak via rescue wrote:
> > Sounds like the 3/260 will be a fun one. Do they run on plain 120VAC?
>    Plain 120VAC for all of the [34]/[12][68]0 enclosures.  (just getting
> caught up on this thread)
> > I
> > had a look at my 3/160 and it will definitelyB require some work but I'm
> > inspiredB to get it going. I think it's just the power supply as it ran
> > until many years ago until I heard a big pop and the disks stopped
> > spinning. It might be the 12V section since the fans still run. I'll
> > take it apart and recap it.
>    The fans are 120V in that chassis, if memory serves.  Are there RIFA
> capacitors in the input section of that power supply?

Ah ok. Yeah that makes sense. The air flow requirements would justify
stronger 120VAC fans.
I have not yet taken the PS apart yet, so I haven't had a visual inspection
yet and whether it has RIFAs. Either way, I'm not going to fire it up
without my current limiting dim-bulb tester, Variac and Isolation Xformer.
Unfortunately the lettering on the PS is starting to disappear and cleaning
the input side will most likely erase it all. I think I saw a section in
the FE manual that has a rough description of it. The unit is at another
location for storage so I'll have to take sections of it apart to move it
by myself without breaking my back. Too many other projects going on at the

> Either way, the 3/60 SIMMS are probablyB equally unobtainium.
>    3/60s take standard 30-pin parity SIMMs, there's nothing Sun-specific
> about them.  I seem to recall it needing 60ns, but I know I've used 70ns
> in a pinch.

Good to know, thanks!

>             -Dave
> --
> Dave McGuire, AK4HZ
> New Kensington, PA
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