[rescue] [FWIW] RaSCSI

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at gmail.com
Mon Feb 21 17:55:06 CST 2022

The thought was to simply slide an SCA sled into the tray inside the U60.

Ken, N2VIP

> On Feb 21, 2022, at 17:49, Peter Corlett <abuse at cabal.org.uk> wrote:
> Unless you're determined to reuse an old SCA backplane, you'd be better off
> finding a supported SATA or SAS controller and plug the SATA SSDs into
> Cards based on the LSI SAS2008 chipset are plentiful and cheap, and the
> SFF-8087 breakout cables are also less of a pain to route around cases than
> individual SATA cables.

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