[rescue] [FWIW] RaSCSI

Mike Spooner mikes at aalin.co.uk
Mon Feb 21 19:08:33 CST 2022

There's always the ACARD ARS-2160S http://www.acard.com/index.files/Page675.htm - SCA connector, 3.5" SCSI-SATA bridge box for 2.5" SATA drives. Works with SSDs, too. Works fine in Sun4c, Sun4m and Sun4u. Doesn't work in original 1991 SGI Indigo R3K.

I've got the 68-pin version in my SS10, connected to a wide UltraSCSI SBus card, driving an SSD.

Mind you, the ACARD sled-format adaptors aren't cheap. In fact, they are darned expensive.

- Mike

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