[rescue] Old school Subracks

Jonathan Chapman lists at glitchwrks.com
Mon Jan 3 07:21:17 CST 2022

Try Vector Electronics. Most big distributors should carry their stuff, though
some of the subrack options may be non-stock. You may want to find a model #
and then buy surplus, their stuff is very high quality and they charge


bbbbbbb Original Message bbbbbbb

On Monday, January 3rd, 2022 at 07:11, silcreval <silvercreekvalley at yahoo.com>

> HNY all :)
> Quick question - does anyone know a good source for an 'imperial units'
> 3U 19" sub rack? This would have 'taller' slots then the regular EU size
> tend to be 100mm, so they could accommodate cards up to 4.5".
> RS Components used to offer a sub rack years ago that would accommodate
> but I can't find anything these days that works with that. Other option
> be to cut down a 4U or 6U rack I guess.
> This is not for Sun gear, but for a Microtan Tangerine 65 system that had
> cards. I have the cards, backplane and PSU but no case :D
> rescue list - http://www.sunhelp.org/mailman/listinfo/rescue

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