[rescue] SPARCstation SLC connector pinout
Jochen Kunz
jkunz at unixag-kl.fh-kl.de
Wed Jul 20 17:31:45 EDT 2022
Am 17.07.22 um 23:37 schrieb Dan Moisa:
> Does anyone have a resource/documentation for the pinout of the SLC
> board connector?? there are some naked boards available and it would
> probably be a fun project to wire one up.
Where are you located?
I am in .de and I am willing to ship within .eu.
I have an ELC board with break out board and bracket that I could ship
to you. Includes the speaker and wiring harness to connect an old AT
style PeeCee PSU. I'd like to get a few €€ for shipping expenses and a
little compensation for the effort of shipping.
Back in the day I mounted an ELC in a largish external SCSI box,
together with a 1 GB disk and CD toaster. I used this as a dedicated
CDRoaster. Still sits on a shelf...
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